
Showing posts from April, 2022

To Know About Nephrotic Syndrome Problems and Treatment

What is nephrotic syndrome? Our kidneys are made up of about a million of filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron consists of a filter, called the glomerulus and a tubule. The glomerulus filters our blood, and the tubule retains needed substances in the blood and removes wastes and extra water, which forms urine. Symptoms of nephrotic syndrome One may not know that they have their routine blood and urine tests checked. Signs of nephrotic syndrome that one may notice are - Fatigue Weight gain Foamy urine Not feeling hungry Swelling in face, hands and feet Causes of nephrotic syndrome Nephrotic syndrome usually happens when the glomeruli get damaged and fail to properly filter a person’s blood. The damage to blood vessels allows protein to leak into the urine. Our body holds on to the extra fluid without albumin. This causes severe swelling in hands, feet, ankles and face. Primary causes: Primary causes of nephrotic syndrome are the ones that